Nurmagomed Engelsovich Gadzhimagomedov


Nurmagomed Engelsovich Gadzhimagomedov was a Russian serviceman, Guards Senior Lieutenant, Company Commander of the 247th Guards Caucasian Cossack Airborne Assault Regiment of the 7th Guards Airborne Assault Division of the Southern Military District. He was the first participant of a special military operation to be awarded the title of the Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for courage and heroism in the performance of military duty. N.E. Gadzhimagomedov was born in Yuzhno-Sukhokumsk, but grew up in Makhachkala. His family belonged to the Lak community, which instilled in him a spirit of traditional values and respect for the Motherland. From an early age, Gadzhimagomedov was keen on sport and actively practised boxing, kickboxing and karate. He became a bronze medallist in the Russian Kickboxing Championship and was also awarded the title of Candidate Master of Sports in 2015. His desire for physical improvement went hand in hand with his interest in literature – he loved the poems by Rasul Gamzatov and wrote poetry himself. Gadzhimagomedov graduated from Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelov in 2017. From the very first year, he proved himself a leader and became a platoon commander. During his studies, Gadzhimagomedov practised hand-to-hand combat in the army and by the time he graduated, he had been awarded the title of Master of Sports of Russia. Upon graduation, he was assigned to the 247th Guards Airborne Assault Caucasian Cossack Regiment, based in Stavropol. He quickly established himself as a highly skilled and courageous officer. Gadzhimagomedov took part in two deployments to Syria in 2018 and 2020, where his unit carried out tasks as part of Russia’s military operation against international terrorist formations. During this time, he strengthened his authority among his fellow soldiers and commanders, proving himself to be a true leader. During this time, he consolidated his authority among his fellow soldiers and commanders, proving himself to be a skilful commander capable of making complex decisions in a combat situation. On February 24, 2022, the regiment in which Hajimagomedov served was involved in a special military operation in Ukraine. While carrying out a mission, his convoy encountered superior forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, who opened fire. The combat vehicle in which N.E. Gadzhimagomedov was travelling was hit. Despite the danger, he quickly left the vehicle and engaged the enemy, diverting their attention so that the Russian paratroopers could set up a circular defence. Severely wounded, Gadzhimagomedov continued to fire at the superior enemy forces. Surrounded and seeing no other way out, he decided not to surrender to the enemy. With the last grenade he blew himself and the Ukrainian soldiers surrounding him to pieces. In doing so, he repeated the heroic deed of pilot Roman Filipov, who died in Syria. On March 3, 2022, by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, N.E. Gadzhimagomedov was awarded the title of the Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for his courage and heroism. He became the youngest Hero of Russia by date of birth. The Gold Star Medal was presented to his family in a solemn ceremony. The memory of Nurmagomed is immortalised in the names of streets and squares. Streets in Makhachkala, Krasnodar, Nalchik and a square in Donetsk have been named in his honour. A commemorative plaque was erected at School № 42 in Makhachkala, where he studied, and a museum dedicated to his heroism was created. In 2023, a bust of Gadzhimagomedov was erected in the Heroes’ Alley of the Ryazan School as a reminder of his selflessness and heroism, which will serve as an example for future generations.

Address: Moscow, Victory Park