Monument «Uncle Styopa»

Uncle Styopa is a beloved character in children’s literature, created by Sergei Mikhalkov in 1935. He is a tall, athletic police officer who became a symbol of honesty, kindness, and dedication. He saves animals, helps city residents, and protects them from bullies, making him a role model for children. The first poem about Uncle Styopa was published in the “Pioneer” magazine and later released in a book form. In 1939, a cartoon with the same title was released, making his image even more popular. The story continued thanks to reader feedback and personal observations from the author. In 1954, Mikhalkov met a real-life Militiaman who inspired him to write “Uncle Styopa the Militiaman”. Other stories followed, culminating in the final poem, “Uncle Styopa as a Veteran”, which closed the cycle in 1981. The monument to Uncle Stepan appeared in Moscow in 2008, initiated by traffic police officers. It was installed in Slesarny Lane, near the Moscow Regional Traffic Police Department. The three-metre bronze statue was created by the sculptor Alexander Rozhnikov. The hero is depicted in modern Russian uniform, emphasizing the continuity of generations. At first, it was planned to add figures of children to the composition, but eventually, the decision was made to include a traffic light and a bird instead. This detail references a cartoon scene in which Uncle Stepan fixes a traffic light and rescues a bird trapped inside. The monument not only represents the positive image of a Militia officer but also serves as a favourite location for children, who enjoy taking pictures with the statue.

Address: Moscow, Slesarny lane, 1