Ivan Andreevich

Ivan Andreevich Krylov was a famous Russian poet, novelist, translator and author of fables. He was born on February 13, 1769 in a poor family of an army captain who received an officer’s rank after many years of service. The death of his father left the family without means of livelihood, and Ivan had to start working from the age of ten as a scribe in court. In the period from 1786 to 1788, I.A. Krylov wrote several tragedies and comedies, including Cleopatra, Philomela, The Rabid Family and The Pranksters. In 1792, he founded The Spectator magazine, which was known for its satirical orientation and became very popular. In the following years, I.A. Krylov traveled a lot. He continued his creative activity, but his works were rarely published. After the death of Catherine II, Krylov accepted the position of personal secretary and teacher of Prince Golitsyn’s children. In 1801, I.A. Krylov’s comedy “Pie” was staged in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Returning to St. Petersburg in 1806, I.A. Krylov established new literary ties and created the comedies “The Fashion Shop” and “A Lesson for Daughters.” In 1809, I.A. Krylov published his first book of fables, in which he expressed condemnation of the “strong” of this world, suppressing the people. The fable became the main genre in which the author’s talent was revealed. In 1812, I.A. Krylov became a librarian after the opening of the Public Library and held this position for 30 years, retiring in 1841. He not only created a significant collection of books, but also actively engaged in compiling bibliographic indexes and a Slavic-Russian dictionary. The monument to Krylov was opened on September 17, 1976. Architect — Armen Chaltykyan, sculptor – Andrey Alexandrovich Drevin. The fabulist is depicted sitting on a park bench. I.A. Krylov is shown as his contemporaries describe him — dressed a little untidily, lazy, phlegmatic and good-natured man. The figure of I.A. Krylov bears a portrait resemblance to the writer. It is mounted on a wide and low pedestal made of granite, with a simple inscription “Ivan Andreevich Krylov”. The sculptural composition also includes reliefs with characters from I. A. Krylov’s fables: A Monkey, a Donkey, a Goat and a club-footed Bear, an Elephant and a Pug, a Monkey with glasses, a Crow and a Fox.
Address: Moscow, Ermolaevsky lane, 9