Monument to Master and Margarita

Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” is one of the most famous works of Russian classical literature, in which the author has invested all the power of his talent, skill and imagination. Brief draft notes were made by Mikhail Bulgakov back in 1928-1929.. But in the first novel, all 160 pages of the manuscript were devoted to the story of Christ and the procurator and the “tours” of Woland and his entourage in Moscow. However, the line with the Master and Margarita was completely missing. Among the variants of the title of the work were “The Engineer’s Hoof” and “Woland’s Tour”, “The Prince of Darkness” and “The Black Magician”, but shortly before his death, in 1937, M.A. Bulgakov will give the final version – “The Master and Margarita”. In 1940, the writer was severely exhausted by illness. Unable to stand up, he dictated edits to the novel to his wife, Elena Sergeevna, who, like Margarita, was completely absorbed in working on her husband’s latest work. After the death of the writer, Elena Sergeevna will continue to edit the novel for about two decades, and make attempts to publish it. Only almost three decades after Bulgakov’s death, the novel was accepted into print and published by the Moscow magazine in a heavily abbreviated version. Many of Woland’s monologues, descriptions of the devil’s ball and Margarita were cut out. For the first time, the original version of the novel without censorship restrictions was published by the publishing house “Posev” in 1969. In memory of the outstanding creative work of M.A. Bulgakov and his wife Elena Sergeevna, a monument to the main characters of the novel, the Master and Margarita, has been erected in Moscow.
Address: Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val str., 59