Sergey Alexandrovich

Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin was an outstanding Russian poet, a representative of imagism in literature. In different periods of his work, Yesenin’s poems reflected social democratic ideas, images of revolution and Homeland, countryside and nature, love and the search for happiness. He was born on September 21 (October 3), 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province, in a peasant family. He was educated at the local zemstvo college (1904-1909) and the parish school (until 1912). In 1913, he entered the city People’s University of Shanyavsky in Moscow. The first poems of S.A. Yesenin were published in 1914. He actively participated in the literary life of Petrograd, read his poems in front of Alexander Blok and other poets. S.A. Yesenin attracted attention as a representative of the Novokrestyansk poets group. His popularity grew after the publication of the first collections, such as Radunitsa (1916), Confessions of a Hooligan (1921), Treryadnitsa (1921), Poems of a Brawler (1923), Moscow Kabatskaya (1924). In honor of the great poet, a monument by sculptor Anatoly Bichukov has been erected on Tverskoy Boulevard in Moscow. The opening, dedicated to the centenary of the birth of C.A. Yesenin, took place on October 2, 1995. Placed on a stone pedestal with a stepped base, the monument is made of bronze and depicts the poet standing tall. An unbuttoned shirt creates the impression of openness and, at the same time, vulnerability — the image of a “soul wide open”. Behind the statue, an elegant element of floral decoration is visible, on which the poet leans with his right hand. Not far from the monument there is a miniature figure of Pegasus, symbolizing the literary cafe “Pegasus Stall”, which was located nearby and was a meeting place for poets of the Silver Age.
Address: Moscow, Tverskaya Boulevard, 19