Pushkin’s Oak

Pushkin Oak is a petiolated oak on Tverskoy Boulevard in Moscow. The tree is named after A.S. Pushkin, who repeatedly visited Tverskoy Boulevard. The tree is located in front of house № 14c1. Not far from it once stood the Kologrivov estate, where in December 1828, at the ball of the dance master Yogel, the poet first met Natalia Goncharova. The poet himself confessed this to her mother, Natalia Ivanovna: “When I saw her for the first time… I fell in love with her, my head was spinning…”. From that moment on, the Goncharov house became a place of frequent visits by the poet. And soon he makes an offer to Natalia Nikolaevna. However, A.S. Pushkin was disappointed. Natalia Ivanovna counted on a more profitable match for her daughter and refused Pushkin, citing the fact that Natalia was still too young. Upset, Pushkin went to his brother in the Caucasus. Upon returning, Alexander Sergeevich again wooed and this time received approval. The wedding took place on March 2 (old style – February 18), 1831 in Moscow. In the spring, the newlyweds move to Tsarskoye Selo, where they rent a cottage. In 1836, there were already four children in the family. June 8, 2004 By Decree of the Government of Moscow № 383-PP, the Pushkin Oak was included in the “List of natural objects and complexes planned for formation as specially protected natural territories of the city of Moscow”.
Address: Moscow, Tverskaya Boulevard, 14, building 1