Evgeny Nikanorovich

Evgeny Nikanorovich Pavlovsky was a zoologist, entomologist, creator of the Soviet School of Parasitology, Lieutenant General of the Medical Service (1943). He was Honoured Scientist of the RSFSR (1935), full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939) and the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1944), President of the Geographical Society of the USSR (1952-1964), Hero of Socialist Labour. He was the creator of the doctrine of natural focality of vector-borne human diseases, and he was the first (1938) to introduce the concept of “natural focality”. He led numerous complex expeditions to Central Asia, Transcaucasia, the Crimea, the Far East and other regions of the USSR to study endemic parasitic and vector-borne diseases (tick-borne typhus, tick-borne encephalitis, mosquito fever, leishmaniasis and other diseases). He was born on March 5, 1884, in the village of Biryuch, the Voronezh governorate, into the family of a teacher. In 1886-1903 he lived in Borisoglebsk, the Tambov governorate, where he graduated from the gymnasium with a gold medal. In 1908 he graduated from Imperial Military Medical Academy. In 1921-1965 he was Professor at Military Medical Academy. Also, in 1933-1944 he worked at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine and at the same time (until 1951) at the Tajik branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. During the Great Patriotic War E.N. Pavlovsky led three expeditions to Iran and Iraq, which resulted in the collection of material on the geography and epidemiology of human diseases, the discovery of new diseases, their causative agents and vectors. In 1942-1962 he was Director of the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Since 1946 he was Head of the Department of Parasitology and Medical Zoology of the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. The scientific and scientific-organisational achievements of E.N. Pavlovsky were highly appreciated. Pavlovsky was honoured with numerous awards, including the Gold Medal of the USSR Academy of Sciences named after I.I. Mechnikov (1949), the Great Gold Medal of the Geographical Society of the USSR for a series of works on natural foci of vector-borne diseases (1954). In memory of the great scientist-researcher on the building of the National Research Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya in Moscow, where E.N. Pavlovsky worked, a memorial plaque was installed.
Address: Moscow, Gamalei str., 18