Monument to Miguel Cervantes
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was a Spanish writer, primarily known as the author of one of the greatest works of world literature: the novel “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha”.
Bust of V.A. Zhukovsky
Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky was an outstanding Russian poet, academician and translator, who occupied an honorable place in the history of Russian literature.
Monument to B.Sh. Okudzhava
Bulat Okudzhava was a Soviet and Russian poet, novelist, screenwriter, bard, composer. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1991), participant of the Great Patriotic War.
Monument to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
The monument to the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. John Watson, the heroes of the cycle of short stories and novels by British writer Arthur Conan Doyle, was created by sculptor Andrey Orlov in honor of the 120th anniversary of the release of the work “A Study in Crimson tones”.
Monument to I.A. Krylov
Ivan Andreevich Krylov was a famous Russian poet, novelist, translator and author of fables. He was born on February 13, 1769 in a poor family of an army captain who received an officer’s rank after many years of service.
Writer A.I. Solzhenitsyn lived and worked in this house
Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was an outstanding writer, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nobel Prize winner, politician and social activist. His father was a working peasant, and his mother was a representative of the Cossack people.
Monument to A.I. Solzhenitsyn
Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was a writer, playwright, essayist, poet, public and political figure. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1970), the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2007) and the State Prize of the RSFSR named after M. Gorky (1990).
Bust of I.S. Shmelyov
Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev was a Russian writer, publicist, and Orthodox thinker whose work is imbued with kindness to the common man and nostalgia for pre–revolutionary Russia.
Monument to I.S. Turgenev and Pauline Viardot
Polina Viardot, a Spanish-French singer, vocal teacher and composer, who became the prototype of Consuelo in the novel by George Sand, occupied an important place in the life of the great Russian writer Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev.
Bust of I.S. Turgenev
Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev was a Russian realist writer, poet, publicist, playwright, novelist and translator. His rich work includes novels, many short stories, novellas, articles, plays and poems.