Granite Slab «Let’s Remember Everyone By Name» In Memory of the Heroes Of the People’s Militia of Moscow
In the first hours and days after the attack of nazi Germany on the Soviet Union, at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, meetings of workers and employees took place at the factories and factories of Moscow (Dynamo, Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Red Rose, Bolshevik, etc.). Muscovites condemned the aggressors with anger and indignation and expressed…
The Sokolnicheskiy Fighter Battalion of the 5th Moscow Rifle Division of the People’s Militia was Formed in This Building
By July 12, 1941, 25 fighter battalions were created by the NKVD departments of Moscow and the Moscow Region from persons who were not subject to conscription for various reasons.
Headquarters and Political Department of the 5th Moscow Rifle Division of the People’s Militia Were Located in This Building
The 5th Moscow Rifle Division of the Frunzenskiy district was formed from October 15 to October 20, 1941.
786th Regiment of the 4th Moscow Communist Division of the People’s Militia was Formed In This Building
The 4th Moscow Rifle Division of the Kuibyshevskiy district was formed from October 17 to October 24, 1941.
Residents and Workers of the Lublinskiy District of Moscow Went to the Front From This Building
On the facade of the house at the address: 48 Lublinskaya str., p. 1 there is a memorial plaque «To the Lublintsy who fell in the Great Patriotic War».
The communist workers` battalion of the Moskvoretsky district of Moscow was formed in this building in 1941
The 3rd Moscow Communist Rifle Division was formed on October 13-16, 1941 from the volunteer communist battalions of Moscow.
Volunteers of the People’s Militia of the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev went to the front of the Great Patriotic War from this building in 1941
A memorial plaque has been erected in Moscow in memory of the feat of the volunteers of the People’s militia who went to the front.
One of the battalions of the 3rd Moscow Rifle Division of the People’s Militia was formed in this building 1941
The 3rd Moscow Communist Rifle Division was a military unit (rifle division) of the Red Army of the USSR Armed Forces, which took part in the Great Patriotic War and operated in the period from October 1941 to January 1942.
Communist Workers’ Battalion of the Oktyabrskiy District of the 3rd Moscow Rifle Division of the People’s Militia was Formed in This Building in 1941
The 3rd Moscow Communist Rifle Division was formed from October 17 to October 24, 1941
Rostokino Communist Volunteer Battalion was formed in this school in 1941
A commemorative plaque was installed in memory of the formation of the Communist workers’ battalion of the Rostokinskiy district of Moscow.