18th Division of the People’s Militia of the Leningradskiy District of Moscow was Formed in This School in 1941

The 18th Moscow Rifle Division of the People’s Militia of the Leningradsky region was formed from July 3 to July 6, 1941. The division commander was Colonel P.K. Zhevelev, the military commissars were A.P. Loginov and A.M. Orlov. The combat path started with the defence on the Dnieper west of Sychevka, Volokolamsk, Istra, defeat of the Germans near Moscow, Sukhinichi, Gorodok, Orsha, Gumbinnen, Konigsberg. The beginning of the formation of the division was July 4, 1941, the volunteers of the 18th Division of the People’s Militia were the workers of the Second Moscow Watch Factory, the Aviation Plant № 39 named after Menzhinskiy, the Aviation Plant № 1; the A. Barkov Insulator plant, the Bolshevik confectionery factory, the Java tobacco factory, students and teachers of Aviation Institute, Art Institute named after Surikov, senior schoolchildren of Moscow schools together with teachers. The division included battalions formed in the Krasnogorsk district (collective farmers from the villages of Penyagino, Mitino, Gubaylovo, Chernevo, Saburovo, Angelovo) in the Dmitrov and Kirov districts. The Sovetskaya Hotel, which became the headquarters of the 18th Division of the People’s Militia, received more than 7.5 thousand applications. At the end of July, the division relocated to Volokolamsk, where it became part of the 32nd Army of the Reserve Front. On August 29, the division was transferred north of Bryansk near Ludinovo and became part of the 33rd Army. On September 30, 1941, the division was renamed the 18th Rifle Division, which proved to be heroically steadfast, was awarded the title of «Guards» and renamed the 11th Guards Rifle Division. Subsequently, the division took part in the battles on the Kursk Bulge in the area of the city of Orel. In October 1943, it concentrated in the Nevel area. There, the division, together with other units, captured the large railway junction of Gorodok on December 24, 1943. It participated in the Belarusian strategic offensive operation (Bagration Operation), distinguished itself in the battles for Vitebsk, forced the Neman near the city of Alytus, capturing a bridgehead, advancing 60 km in three days. Then it took part in the Gumbinnen and East Prussian operations, the capture of Konigsberg and the battles in the Pillau area. In 1945-1946 the division was disbanded.
Address: Moscow, Khoroshevskoe sh., 64A, p. 1