3rd company of the Tagansky Fighter Battalion was formed in this building

«The Building of the Moscow Meat Processing Plant» is an object of cultural heritage of regional significance where the 3rd company of the Tagansky Fighter Battalion was formed in June 1941. The building traces its roots back to the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX century. In the middle of the XIX century, the territory behind the Kamer-Kollezhsky rampart, south of the Kalitnikovskoye cemetery was occupied by urban pasture lands. Behind the Spasskaya outpost on both sides of the road, there were the village of Dubrovka and vegetable gardens. In the late 1880s, this area was allocated for the construction of Urban slaughterhouses. In June 1888, the slaughterhouses were opened. They comprised of modern technically equipped enterprise. In the late XIX – early XX century, the technical re-equipment of slaughterhouses was carried out. In 1898, the complex was electrified. In 1900, the fire fat-melting plant converted into steam. In 1902-1903, a new building was built. Until the end of the 1920s, the complex of Urban slaughterhouses was preserved. In 1931, in the southern part of the Urban slaughterhouses’ territory, construction of the first buildings of the enterprise, called the «First Moscow Sausage Factory», commenced. In 1933, all nine workshops were launched, and a year later the meat processing plant was named after A.I. Mikoyan. Same as all slaughterhouse buildings, the building has a variable number of floors: from the outside – one–story, from the side of the recessed courtyard – two-story. Such planning scheme ensured the isolation of the premises of the second floor, where the slaughter of cattle was carried out, from the storerooms on the first floor. Judging by the layout of the upper floor of the courtyard wings as sequentially arranged halls with metal frame structures, the building was intended for the slaughter of small cattle. The part of the building located along the side street was probably intended for office premises and shops. After the organization of the Moscow Meat Processing Plant named after A.I. Mikoyan, the administration of the enterprise was allocated here. In 1941, the 3rd company of the Tagansky Fighter Battalion was formed in this building, which included workers of the Mikoyan Meat Processing Plant, the 1st State Bearing Plant, the KIM Automobile Plant, the Institute of Electrovacuum Glass and other enterprises. After the war, the «Sausages» store of the Mikoyan Plant was allocated in this building. Currently, the premises are rented for offices.
Address: Moscow, Mikhailovsky ave., 3, p. 13