Aleksander Ivanovich

Aleksander Ivanovich Arutyunov was a Soviet neurosurgeon, the founder of the scientific school, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, the Director of the N.N. Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. He was born in Yerevan. In 1929 he graduated from the Medical Faculty of North Caucasus University in Rostov-on-Don. He worked as a doctor at the district hospital in the Mari ASSR in 1929-1930 and as a surgeon at the N.A. Bogoraz clinic in Rostov-on-Don (1930-1932). In 1932, in Moscow, he entered graduate school at the N.N. Burdenko clinic. After graduating from graduate school, he worked at the Institute of Neurosurgery (until 1941), at the same time worked at the CIU of Doctors as an associate professor, as well as the head of the neurosurgical department at the S.P. Botkin Hospital. During the battles in the Khalkhin-Gol area in 1939 and the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940, he led a reinforcement group in the active armies. During the Great Patriotic War, he was in the active army as an army surgeon of the 6th and 9th armies of the Southern Front, chief surgeon of the North Caucasus Front (1941-1943), chief surgeon of the Southwestern and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts (1943-1944), consultant surgeon of the GVSU (1945). Since 1945 he headed the Department of Neurosurgery of the Kiev Institute of Advanced Medical Training, in 1950 he headed the Ukrainian Research Institute of Neurosurgery organized by him. Since 1964, he was the director of the Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1967 he was elected a full member (academician) of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Aleksander Ivanovich Arutyunov was the author of more than 200 scientific papers, including 4 monographs. One of the main directions of his research in recent years was the vascular pathology of the brain and the development of methods for its diagnosis and treatment, clinical pathophysiology of cerebral circulation. He paid special attention to the issues of military field surgery: surgical treatment of penetrating wounds of the skull and late brain abscesses after them, as well as gunshot injuries of large vessels. The works of the war period included “The results of the first year of the war in the organization of surgical care in the military, army and frontline areas” (1942), “Organization of blood service in the army and military area” (1942), “Secondary bleeding, their pathogenesis and treatment” (1943), “Gunshot wounds of the main vessels and their treatment at the stages of evacuation” (1944, served as the topic of a doctoral dissertation), “On closed craniocerebral trauma” (1944). Aleksander Ivanovich Arutyunov owned fundamental research on pathophysiology, clinic, diagnosis and surgical treatment of tumors, inflammatory brain lesions and insatiable pain. He also worked out the issues of surgical treatment of hemorrhagic strokes and formulated the basic principles of treatment of cerebral aneurysms. One of his works in this field is “Surgical treatment of cerebral strokes” (1965).
Address: Moscow, Fadeeva str., 5, p. 1