Alexander Arkadievich

Alexander Arkadievich Krasovsky was the Head of the Department of the Military Air Engineering Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky, Major General of the Engineering and Technical Service. He was in the Red Army since 1941. He was a participant of the Great Patriotic War. In 1945 he graduated from the Zhukovsky Military Air Academy of the Red Army. Since 1945, he served at this academy, where he was left in the adjunct. Since 1948 he was a lecturer, since 1951 – Deputy head of the department, since 1953 – Head of the Department “Aviation automation and Telemechanics”. He conducted fruitful teaching and scientific activities. He was a member of the CPSU (until 1991). He was one of the most outstanding Soviet scientists in the field of automatic control systems of aircraft. Already during the creation of the first Soviet jet fighters in the late 1940s, he proposed a number of new principles of aircraft control, embedded in their design and applied to the present time. He developed a method of integral quadratic estimates of the quality of regulatory processes and the theory of single-channel control systems. He developed a method of automatic design of control systems. He created the theory of correlation-extreme navigation systems of an aircraft on the geophysical fields of the Earth. He substantiated the theory of onboard integrated complexes of aircraft for solving problems of multiparametric identification, adaptation and optimal control. He worked a lot in the field of continuous self-adjusting systems and automatic flight control systems. He was an author of a large number of scientific papers (including fundamental, monographs, textbooks) in the field of the theory of automatic control, navigation, flight control. The scientist’s developments have found wide application in the creation of several generations of jet aircraft, spacecraft for various purposes, anti-aircraft missiles. For the successful creation of the latest military equipment, by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (“closed”) dated February 18, 1981, Major General of the Engineering and Technical Service Alexander Arkadyevich Krasovsky was awarded the title of the Hero of Socialist Labor with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal. He was Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1992). He was a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968), Professor (1954), Chairman of the Committee of Technical Means of Training of the Union of Scientific and Engineering Societies. He was retired since 1989. He lived in the hero city of Moscow. He tragically died on June 2, 2003 when robbers attacked his apartment.
Address: Moscow, Petrovsko-Razumovskaya alley, 16