Alexey Petrovich

Alexey Petrovich Ivashenkov was a sniper of the 515th Rifle Regiment (134th Verdinsky Order of Lenin Red Banner Rifle Division, 69th Army, 1st Belorussian Front), junior sergeant – at the time of presentation for the award of the Order of Glory of the 1st degree. He finished 7 classes. Since 1940 he lived in Moscow. He worked at a refrigeration plant. He was in the Red Army from 1939 to 1940 and from 1941. He was a participant of the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. He was at the front in the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. He met the war near the village of Bogushevsk (Vitebsk region, Belarus) as a part of the 229th Infantry Division. He was wounded twice during the war. After the second wound, he was sent to the 134th Rifle Division. He participated in the crossing of the Vistula. In the battles to strengthen the Pulava bridgehead, the sniper of the 515th Rifle Regiment (134th Rifle Division, 69th Army, 1st Belorussian Front), the Red Army soldier Ivashenkov, on August 22, 1944, in a battle 14 kilometers southwest of the city of Pulava (Poland), was among the first ones that reached the enemy trench and eliminated in hand-to-hand combat two Hitlerites. When repelling counterattacks from a sniper rifle, he disabled eleven enemy soldiers and officers. By order of the commander of the 134th Rifle Division dated September 21, 1944, for courage shown in battles with the enemy, the Red Army soldier Ivashenkov was awarded the Order of Glory of the 3rd degree (No. 174547). On January 16, 1945, near the city of Radom (Poland), the company came across heavily fortified enemy positions. Under the fire of an enemy machine gun, he was forced to lie down. Junior Sergeant Ivashenkov destroyed a machine-gun crew, killed two officers and up to fifteen enemy soldiers with a sniper rifle. By his actions, he ensured the success of the company. By order of the 69th Army dated February 21, 1945, Junior Sergeant Ivashenkov was awarded the Order of Glory of the 2nd degree (No. 15542).On April 17, 1945, when the enemy’s defences broke through on the left bank of the Oder River near the town of Lebus (11 kilometers north of Frankfurt, Germany), supporting the company’s offensive, the squad commander, Junior Sergeant Ivashenkov, hit fifteen Nazis with sniper fire; on April 18, 1945, in a battle for the settlement of Malkov (Germany), during a decisive attack, he killed over ten enemy soldiers; On April 19, 1945, in the battle for the dominant height (40 kilometers south of Berlin), he assumed command of a detachment that killed over twenty Nazis. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 15, 1946, Junior Sergeant Alexey Petrovich Ivashenkov was awarded the Order of Glory of the 1st degree (No. 1374) for courage, bravery and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders. In 1945, Foreman Ivashenkov was demobilized. He lived in Moscow. He worked as a shift engineer at the refrigeration plant No. 10. He died on April 18, 1993. He was buried at the Rogozhsky Cemetery in Moscow.
Address: Moscow, Tashkent str., 17, bldg. 1