Makar Andreevich

Makar Andreevich Babikov was the platoon commander of the 140th Special Purpose reconnaissance Detachment of the Pacific Fleet, Chief Petty Officer, the Hero of the Soviet Union. He was a participant of the Great Patriotic War: in June-August 1941 he was a Red Navy man of the 58th separate anti-aircraft artillery division of the Northern Fleet Air Defence (the city of Polyarny, Murmansk region), in August 1941 – June 1942 – a Red Navy man and junior commander of the political department of the Northern Fleet Air Defense Department. He participated in the cover of the bases of the Northern Fleet and the Murmansk port. From 1942 to 1945 he was a Red Navy man, the squad leader and platoon commander of the 181st separate reconnaissance detachment of the Northern Fleet (squad commander V.N. Leonov). He participated in the defence of the Arctic. He was a participant of several sorties behind enemy lines on the coast of the Barents Sea. On October 12-13, 1944, during the amphibious landing at Cape Krestovy and the further liberation of the port of Liinakhamari (the Pechengsky district of the Murmansk region), he replaced the deceased platoon commander, Chief Petty Officer A.A. Barinov. A platoon under the command of M.A. Babikov captured one battery and destroyed up to 60 enemy soldiers and officers. Since May 1945, he served in the Pacific Fleet as a platoon commander of the 140th separate reconnaissance detachment (Vladivostok city). In August-September 1945, he participated in the Soviet-Japanese War. He was a platoon commander of the 140th (from August 26, 1945 – Guards) separate reconnaissance detachment of the Pacific Fleet (detachment commander V.N. Leonov). He participated in the landings that landed in the North Korean ports of Yuki (Ungi), Racine (Najin) and Seisin (Chongjin). Until February 1946, he continued to serve in the Pacific Fleet as a platoon commander of the 140th Guards Separate reconnaissance detachment (Vladivostok city). Since February 1946, the Guard chief Petty Officer M.A. Babikov was in reserve.
Address: Moscow, Ukrainian Boulevard, 11