Memorial plaque in memory of the formation of battalions of Kuntsevo enterprises in 1941-1945

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, workers, extermination and communist battalions of Kuntsevo enterprises of the Moscow Region were formed in this building. From October 27 to November 1, 1941, the Kuntsevo Workers’ (Communist) battalion was formed operationally to participate in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. The battalion consisted of workers and employees who were not subject to priority conscription into the army and was intended to protect factories, factories, institutions, as well as to conduct street battles in the event of an enemy breakthrough into the city. There were 264 volunteer fighters from a number of Kuntsevo enterprises: named after KIM, Nogin, N14, 46, 95, 167. Many of them lived in Kuntsevo. The battalion commander was appointed V.A. Kuznetsov, his assistant — P. Kalinin, Chief of Staff — A. Solovyov, battalion commissar director of the club “Precepts of Ilyich” — B. Bychkov. The battalion had a sandruzhina (18 people) and a group of auxiliary service (sledge, clerk, etc.). The detachment moved to the barracks position and was partially provided with warm linen, shoes and bedding. In memory of the formation of the battalions of the Kuntsevo enterprises in 1941-1945, a memorial plaque with an engraved image of the Order of the Patriotic War and the St. George Ribbon, gray marble, 1968 was installed. The inscription is carved on it: “In this building, during the harsh days of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the formation of workers, extermination and communist battalions of Kuntsevo enterprises of the Moscow region took place.
Address: Moscow, Grodno str., 5