Nikolai Ivanovich

Nikolai Ivanovich Smirnov was the First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral of the Fleet, the Hero of the Soviet Union. From October 1941 to April 1942 he studied in the Pacific Fleet Submarine Training Squadron. Upon graduation, he was appointed the assistant commander of the same submarine in the 1st separate division of submarines of the Pacific Fleet. Since April 1943 he was the commander of the submarine M-6 of the 2nd Brigade of submarines of the Pacific Fleet. Since November 1943 he was the commander of the submarine M-115 of the 14th Division of submarines of the Pacific Fleet. In the spring of 1944, it was decided to transfer this submarine to the Black Sea Fleet, in May 1944, the commander and crew were officially incorporated into the Black Sea Fleet. However, in fact, the boat arrived in the Black Sea only in November 1944, when the fighting there had already ended. The boat was assigned to the Poti Naval Base. Since November 1945 he was the commander of the submarine S-31 of the Black Sea Fleet. In 1959 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Since November 1959 – the Commander of the submarine forces of the Baltic Fleet. Since June 1960 – the Chief of Staff of the Black Sea Fleet. Since June 1964 – the Head of the Operational Department – the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the USSR Navy. Since March 10, 1969 – the Commander of the Pacific Fleet. On November 5, 1973, N.I. Smirnov was awarded the military rank of Admiral of the Fleet. Since September 11, 1974 – the First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy. He made a significant contribution to the development of the Russian fleet on the basis of advanced scientific developments, especially in reducing the noise of submarines. On his initiative, together with Academician A.P. Alexandrov, in the early 80s, the development of a compact nuclear propulsion system for a torpedo began, and by the end of the 80s, the readiness for creation was reported to the highest military and political leadership of the country, approval was received, but the development was implemented only relatively recently, in the project Status-6. Since March 1988 he was the Military Inspector-adviser to the Group of General Inspectors of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR.
Address: Moscow, Mosfilmovskaya str., 11, building 4