Sculptural composition of victorious warriors and girls glorifying the Victory

16 sculptures of victorious warriors and girls glorifying the Victory, decorating House 30, are located on the corner of Leninsky Prospekt and Gagarin Square. The building is also known as the house at the Kaluga Outpost. The sculptural composition on the house near the Kaluga outpost was recognized as an object of cultural heritage in August 2017. The figures were made in the workshop of Aleksander Gromov in the late 1940s. They were not installed on the gallery of the house simultaneously. First, the tower was completed and decorated with stucco decoration. Then obelisks of the middle tier were put. After that, the pedestals of sixteen paired figures of victorious warriors and girls meeting them were placed on the roof. Then four full-length figures of warriors and girls were installed. They are standing in tunics, intercepted by an army belt, in high boots and knee-length skirts. Two young men are also dressed in a tunic, high boots and breeches. The soldiers have helmets on their heads, and they hold machine guns in their hands. On the shoulders of boys and girls, a tent-cloak is depicted. On the upper tier, a different picture opens up to the audience. There are six girls in light summer dresses with their hair fluttering in the wind and six soldiers with their caps twisted on their sides and submachine guns standing at their feet. The development of Moscow according to the general plan of 1935 assumed a significant expansion of Bolshaya Kaluzhskaya Street, now renamed Leninsky Prospekt. It was planned to build new eight-storey houses here, and Kaluga Zastava Square (now Gagarin Square) was to become a place for the triumphal entry into the capital. For this purpose, a project was prepared in Leningrad, but the Great Patriotic War prevented its implementation. Of the two symmetrical buildings, only part of house 37 and house 30 were built in 1939-1941. Construction continued only after the war. The authors of the project were architects Evgeny Levinson and Igor Fomin. The design of the facades, the decor of the gates and balcony grilles are preserved from the pre-war project. In the post-war period, only the sculptural decoration of the tower and the northern building were changed.
Address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 30