Veniamin Mikhailovich

Veniamin Mikhailovich Permyakov was a gunner of the 322nd Guards fighter-anti-tank artillery regiment, Guard sergeant, the Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1939 he finished a seven-year school and enrolled in tractor driver courses at the Kargapolsky MTS. After completing the courses, he began working at MTS as a tractor driver, and a year later he became a foreman. In August 1942 he was drafted into the Red Army. At the artillery school he received the specialty of a gunner. Since July 1943, at the front, he fought as a gunner in the 322nd Guards fighter-anti-tank regiment. He received his baptism of fire at the Kursk Bulge. In the first battle, he burned three German tanks, was wounded, but did not leave the combat post. He especially distinguished himself in the battles for the liberation of Ukraine in January 1944. On January 25, 1944, in the area at the fork of the roads near the villages of Ivakhny and Tsibulev, now the Monastyrishchensky district of the Cherkasy region, the calculation of the guard of senior Sergeant Asfandiyarov, in which Sergeant Permyakov was the gunner, was among the first to meet the attack of enemy tanks and armored personnel carriers by infantry. Reflecting the first onslaught, Permyakov destroyed 8 tanks with accurate fire, of which four tanks of the tiger type. When the enemy troops approached the positions of the gunners, they engaged in hand-to-hand combat. He was wounded, but did not leave the battlefield. Having repulsed the attack of the submachine gunners, he returned to the gun. When the gun failed, the guards switched to the gun of a neighboring unit, the calculation of which failed and, repelling a new massive enemy attack, destroyed two more tiger tanks and killed up to sixty Hitlerite soldiers and officers. During a raid by enemy bombers, the gun was smashed. Permyakov, wounded and shell-shocked, was sent to the rear unconscious. In just this one battle, the calculation of the guard of senior Sergeant Asfandiyarov destroyed ten enemy tanks, six of them of the tiger type and killed over one hundred and fifty enemy soldiers and officers. Sergeant Veniamin Mikhailovich Permyakov was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star Medal (No. 2385) for exemplary performance of combat missions of the command at the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism of the Guards shown at the same time. After the war he was demobilized. In 1957 he graduated from Moscow Planning and Economic College. He worked as the head of the local industry sector in the Moscow Regional Council, then as the head of the production department of the Rembytprom Council. In the seventies he worked in the Ministry of Heavy Engineering, and later – in the Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry.
Address: Moscow, Ryazan Ave., 49, bldg. 3