Church of the Annunciation to The Mother of God in Raevo

The Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Raevo is located at 14, Yeniseyskaya St. The feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on 7 April (Nov.), exactly 9 months from the date of the Nativity of Christ, has one day of pre-holiday and one day of post-holiday, on which the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel is celebrated. The pre- and post-holidays are postponed if the Annunciation falls in Holy Week or Easter Week. The name of the feast refers to a special, unprecedented “good news” that was heard once in the history of the world. The name of the feast “Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary” literally means “glad tidings announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary”. Today is the beginning of our salvation…” is sung during the Mass of the Feast of the Annunciation. It continues with the life of the God-man Jesus Christ – the “Second Adam” – and concludes with the Last Supper, Calvary, the cry “It is finished”, the descent into hell, the three-day resurrection, the Ascension and the “sitting at the right hand of the Father”. The ancient folk custom of releasing captive birds from their cages into the wild on the day of the Annunciation is melodiously captured in the beautiful verses of A.C. Pushkin:
“Centuries have passed, but as well as before,
Everywhere this day – the day of human joy –
The whole world greets it with life-giving hope,
that it brings joy and peace to the heart.
Good tidings to the heart, like an angel to a meek virgin,
This day comes to us in the darkness of life.
Forget the enmity, the malice of hell, the anger,
And then it would be easier for everyone on earth”.
Address: Moscow, Yeniseiskaya str., vl. 14