Arkadiy Petrovich

Arkadiy Petrovich Gaidar (his real real surname Golikov) was a Soviet children’s writer, screenwriter and novelist, journalist, war correspondent. He participated in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. He was born on January 22, 1904 in the town of Lgov in a family of teachers. In 1918, at the age of 14, he joined the Communist Party and began working for the Molot newspaper. In the same year, the young man was enlisted in the Red Army. The future writer is graduating from the Higher Shooting School. After that, he was appointed commander of the Nizhny Novgorod regiment. Golikov participated in the fighting on the Caucasian Front, on the Don, near Sochi. In 1922, he took part in the suppression of the anti-Soviet insurgency in Khakassia. In 1925, he published his first novel in the Leningrad almanac “Ladle” under the title “In the days of defeats and victories”. In 1930, he finished work on the “School”, the “Fourth dugout”. In 1932-1940 he published such works as “Military Secret”, “Blue Cup”, “Distant Countries”, “The Fate of the Drummer”, “Chuk and Gek”, “Timur and his Team”. During the Great Patriotic War, he worked as a correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. In 1941, A.P. Gaidar served in Gorelov’s partisan detachment. On October 26 of the same year, he died near the village of Leplyavo, Kanevsky district. The monument to Arkadiy Gaidar was erected in Moscow in 1974 near the Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth named after A. P. Gaidar. The authors of the monument: architect Yu. A. Movchan, sculptor A. P. Shlykov. The monument is a sculptural composition. The sculptures are mounted on a pedestal lined with ceramic tiles. In the center of the composition there is a full-length sculpture of the writer, with a boy and a girl standing on both sides. There is a conversation going on between the boy and the writer. Gaidar looks at the boy. A girl in a sailor suit listens to the conversation. Gaidar is dressed in a military uniform, with a raincoat thrown over his left arm and hanging down. One hand of the writer is in the pocket of his trousers, the finger of the other hand is wound up behind the belt. A.P. Gaidar wears a papakha on his head. The boy is wearing a Budenovka hat on his head.
Address: Moscow, Shkuleva str., 2, p. 3