Monument to A.S. Pushkin and N.N. Goncharova

The monument to A.S. Pushkin and his wife N.N. Goncharova was erected in 1999 opposite the museum “Memorial Apartment of A.S. Pushkin” on Old Arbat. The project was created by sculptors Alexander and Igor Burganov. The sculpture replicates a scene after the couple’s wedding, depicting them walking forward and holding hands. The faces of the young couple are serious, their hands gently touch, and their eyes gaze into the distance. The sculptures portray the loving couple at natural height. Both bronze statues are crafted with great portrait resemblance and are installed on a granite pedestal with the inscription: «Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova». The place where the first months of the Pushkin family’s married life took place is a memorial apartment-museum now.
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799-1837) was a Russian poet, playwright and prose writer, the creator of the foundations of Russian realism. He was also a critic, literary theorist, historian and publicist. A.S. Pushkin is one of the most respected literary figures of the first third of the 19th century and one of the founders of modern Russian literary language. The works of A.S. Pushkin are constantly reissued, translated into many languages, extensively adapted for film and staged in leading theaters worldwide. Many composers, including contemporaries of the poet, repeatedly turned to his creative legacy. Operas, ballets, choirs, oratorios, cantatas, symphonic and chamber instrumental works, romances, music for dramatic performances, films, television, and radio programs have been created based on Pushkin’s works. In May 1997, a decree from the President of the Russian Federation established Pushkin Day in Russia, celebrated annually on June 6th, the poet’s birthday.
Address: Moscow, Arbat str., 46, building 1