Ivan Alekseevich

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was a Russian writer, poet and translator, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1933. The author of the novel “The Life of Arsenyev”, the novels “Sukhodol”, “Village”, “Mitya’s Love”, the short stories “The Gentleman from San Francisco” (1914-1915), “Easy Breathing”, “Antonov Apples” (1900), “Sunstroke” (1925), a collection of short stories “Dark Alleys” (1937-1945 and 1953), diary entries “Cursed Days” (1918-20) and many other works. He was born into an impoverished noble family in Voronezh. His father was A.N. Bunin, a militia member of the Crimean campaign, and his mother was L.A. Bunina, a representative of an ancient princely family. The writer spent his childhood in Butyrki farm, where he received his education and began to show interest in literature and history. In 1889, at the age of 19, Bunin began an independent life in Orel, working in the editorial office of the newspaper Orlovsky Vestnik. There he first published his artistic essays. The following years brought him acquaintance with famous writers such as A.P. Chekhov and V.G. Korolenko. At the beginning of the century, his work developed rapidly, and in 1903 He received the Pushkin Prize for the translation of Henry Longfellow’s poem “The Song of Hiawatha” and the collection of poems “Listopad”. In 1918, after emigrating to France, Bunin continued his literary activity. In 1933, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his novel The Life of Arsenyev. The monument to Ivan Bunin in Moscow, created by sculptor Alexander Burganov and architect Viktor Pasenko, is a sculptural image of the writer made of bronze. The monument is installed on a low granite pedestal, and is located near the house No. 26 on Povarskaya Street. The sculpture depicts Ivan Bunin standing with a folded cloak in his hands, in a calm aristocratic pose, looking into the distance. There is also a commemorative plaque on the facade of the house.
Address: Moscow, Povarskaya str., 30-36, p. 3