7th Division of the People’s Militia of the Baumanskiy District of Moscow was Formed in This Building in 1941

The 7th Moscow Rifle Division of the People’s Militia of the Baumanskiydistrict was formed from July 3 to July 6, 1941. The division commander was Brigade Commander I.V. Zaikin, a teacher of general tactics at Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze. He died in the battles near Vyazma. The military commissar of the division was P.M. Lukin. The Baumanskaya division included workers and students of about a hundred enterprises and institutions of the Baumanskiydistrict, the largest of which were Bauman Technical Institute, the Institute of Chemical Engineering, Aerodynamic Institute, Engineering and Economic Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Since July 9, the division was stationed in the area of Khimki, where new recruits were trained. On July 16, the division was relocated to Volokolamsk to create the Mozhaisk line of defence. Since the end of July, the division was transferred to the eastern bank of the Dnieper near Dorogobuzh for the construction of the Rzhev-Vyazma defensive line. By the order of Stavka of July 30, together with other divisions of the People’s militia, it became part of the 32nd Army of the Reserve Front. Due to the deteriorating situation on the Western and Reserve Fronts after the Battle of Smolensk, the Baumanskaya Division was ordered to occupy the line near Vyazma and Dorogobuzh on August 4. Here the soldiers took the oath. A memorial plaque has been erected in memory of the formation of the 7th Division of the People’s Militia of the Baumanskiy district of Moscow.
Address: Moscow, Baumanskaya str., 40