Alexey Ivanovich

Alexey Ivanovich Abrikosov was a Soviet pathologist, the director of the Institute of Normal and Pathological Morphology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Professor of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. He was born in Moscow. He was from the merchant class, a representative of a family of large Russian entrepreneurs. His grandfather and full namesake, Alexey Ivanovich Abrikosov, was a major Russian entrepreneur, the founder of the confectionery factory “Partnership of A.I. Abrikosov and Sons” (now the Babaevsky concern). In 1899 he graduated from the Medical Faculty of Moscow University. Since 1899, he was a practicing physician in Moscow, studied at clinics in Vienna, Paris, and Berlin. Since 1900 he was a resident of the Moscow Old Catherine Hospital. Since 1902 he worked as an assistant to the dissector of the Department of Pathological Anatomy at Moscow University under the supervision of M.N. Nikiforov. In 1904 he defended his doctoral dissertation. In 1904-1918 he was a private associate professor at Moscow University. At the same time, in 1904-1911, he was a dissector at the Morozov Children’s Hospital in Moscow and in 1904-1916 he was a teacher at the Moscow Dental School. After the October Revolution, he continued to work at the university: in 1918-1920 he was the Head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the 2nd Moscow State University, in 1920-1953 – Professor of the Medical Faculty of Moscow University (since 1930 – 1st Moscow Medical Institute), the Head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of this university and in 1924-1930 – the Dean the medical faculty of this university. At the same time, in 1911-1934 he was a prosector at the Botkin Hospital in Moscow, in 1934-1937 he was a professor at the Institute of Advanced Medical Training, in 1944-1951, he was the director of the Institute of Normal and Pathological Morphology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. He was the organizer and since 1938 the Honorary Chairman of the Moscow Society of Pathologists. Alexey Ivanovich Abrikosov published over 100 scientific papers devoted mainly to pulmonary tuberculosis, pathological anatomy of sympathetic nerve nodes, muscle tumors, morphology of allergies, sepsis problems. He was the author of a number of textbooks. He is widely known for doing the first embalming of V.I. Lenin’s body and drawing up a conclusion about Lenin’s death. He published works on the pathological anatomy of tuberculosis (1904-1923), gave a description of the morphology of the initial manifestations of pulmonary tuberculosis (“Abrikosov’s focus”). In 1925-1926 A.I. Abrikosov described and studied a tumor of muscle tissue – myoblastomyoma, which was called “Abrikosov’s tumor”. In 1933 he determined the morphological manifestations of allergic tissue reactions. In 1942 he described the main stages of the wound process, studied the pathology of trauma and changes in lung tissue in gunshot wounds. During 33 years of work at the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the 1st Moscow Medicmal Institute, under the leadership of Academician Alexey Ivanovich Abrikosov, about 500 scientific studies were carried out.
Address: Moscow, Novoslobodskaya str., 57/65