One of the battalions of the 3rd Moscow Rifle Division of the People’s Militia was formed in this building 1941

The 3rd Moscow Communist Rifle Division was a military unit (rifle division) of the Red Army of the USSR Armed Forces, which took part in the Great Patriotic War and operated in the period from October 1941 to January 1942. It was formed from October 15 to October 20, 1941. The commander was Colonel N.P. Anisimov, the military commissar was senior battalion commissar A.P. Lazarev. At School № 3, in 6, Chapaevskiy Lane on October 24, the division was formed from several Communist battalions and one artillery regiment, which was soon transformed into the 3rd Moscow Communist Rifle Division. There were 9,650 people in its ranks. The militia participated in the construction of defensive structures, served as combat guards in the area of Nakhabino, Krasnogorsk, Cherkizovo, and also conducted a number of operations to reconnoiter enemy positions and destroy their strongholds. After the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow on January 19, 1942 the division was renamed the 130th Rifle Division, and in February it was relocated to the Kalininskiy Front, in the area of the Demyansk bridgehead. In memory of the formation of the battalion of the 3rd Moscow Rifle Division, a memorial plaque has been installed in Moscow.
Address: Moscow, Shepelyuginskaya str., 21/13, p. 1