Fyodor Ivanovich

Fyodor Ivanovich Vinokurov was a colonel of the Soviet Army, who participated in the Great Patriotic War and was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union in 1945. He was born on 21 June, 1909 in the village of Lutovinovo (now it is the Volokonovsky district in the Belgorod region) in a peasant family. After finishing primary school, he worked for the Afanasyevsky village council in the same district. In 1931, he joined the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (b). In 1931-1933, he served in the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, in the 19th artillery regiment stationed in Ostrogozhsk. After demobilisation, he became chairman of the Mokhovsky district executive committee of the Orel region. In 1939, he was drafted into the army again, and in the same year, he graduated from Gorky Military Political School. He met the beginning of the war in Simferopol as the secretary of the divisional party commission in the 156th Infantry Division. In its composition since 23 September, 1941, he participated in the Crimean defensive operation. He rose from the military commissar of the division headquarters to the commander of a rifle regiment. He participated in the battles of the North Caucasus, Voronezh, Belorussian, 1st Belorussian, 1st and 3rd Baltic Fronts. During the battles, he was wounded six times. He participated in the defence of Odessa, battles in the Crimea, on the Don near Konstantinovskaya in 1942, liberation of the Kuban and Ukrainian SSR, the battle for the Dnieper near Kanev, the Kalinkovichi-Mozyr operation, forcing of the Pripyat, liberation of Luninets, Brest, Riga and the Baltics, the Vistula-Oder operation, battles in Eastern Pomerania, forcing of the Oder, breakthrough to the Elbe. By February 1945, Lieutenant Colonel Fyodor Vinokurov had commanded the 117th rifle regiment of the 23rd rifle division. The 117th rifle regiment was a part of the 61st Army of the 1st Belorussian Front. He distinguished himself during the battles on the Magnushevsky bridgehead, personally leading the actions of his regiment during the breakthrough of deeply echeloned enemy defence. On the night of 2 to 3 February 1945, the regiment successfully captured a fortified point of the enemy in the town of Schloppe (now – Chlopa, Poland). By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 27 February, 1945, Lieutenant Colonel F.I. Vinokurov was awarded the high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the medal “Gold Star” with the number 5698 for “exemplary performance of combat missions of the command at the front of the fight against the German invaders and courage and heroism”. He was also awarded the American Legion of Honour as a participant of the meeting on the Elba. The Commander of the 84th Infantry Division of the US Army, General Boling, presented him with a Colt 1911 pistol. Until 1949, he served in the GSVG and Moscow Military District. Since 1950, Vinokurov commanded the 4th Independent Rifle Regiment for Military Object Protection in the Transcaucasian Military District.
Address: Moscow, 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya str., 40