Joseph Semyonovich

Joseph Semyonovich Gonorovsky was a scientist in the field of radio engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1941), Professor (1941), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, laureate of the USSR State Prize (1986). He was born in Odessa, where he graduated from the Institute of Communication Engineers in 1929. Since the beginning of the 1930s, he worked in Leningrad, actively participating in solving the problem of creating long-distance communication systems, which was relevant at that time for the country. His monographs “Long-wave radio networks” (1933) and “Designing RCL radio transmitters” (1935) belong to this period, in which the theoretical and methodological issues necessary for their creation were developed. At the same time, he worked at the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications as an associate professor, and then as the head of the Department of Radio Transmitting Devices, combining pedagogical activity with the work of industry in the direction of solving important applied problems. From the beginning to the end of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 he headed a laboratory that was engaged in the creation of special communication equipment. In 1945-1946 he headed one of the research laboratories. After the war, it was necessary to train highly qualified specialists in the field of aviation radio electronics. For this purpose, in 1946, the Radio Engineering faculty was established at MAI, one of the founders of which was J.S. Gonorovsky, he headed the Department of Theoretical Radio Engineering. He wrote the monographs “Long-wave radio networks” (1933), “Design of RCL radio transmitters” (1935), “Frequency modulation and its application” (1948), “Radio signals and transient phenomena in radio circuits” (1954), the textbook “Radio circuits and signals” and more than 60 scientific papers.
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