Pyotr Dmitrievich

Pyotr Dmitrievich Grushin was a scientist, aircraft designer and designer in the field of rocket technology, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1966), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1958, 1981), winner of the Lenin and State Prizes. Since 1925 he worked at the Vozrozhdenie factory. In 1928 the Komsomol Committee sent him to study in Leningrad at the Shipbuilding Faculty of Polytechnic Institute, the department of hydroaviation training. Then the department was transferred to MAI, from which he graduated in 1932, having received a diploma of mechanical engineer in aircraft construction, worked in the Bureau of New Designs of the All-Union Aviation Association under the leadership of aircraft designer A. Lyavil, in the Central Design Bureau of Aircraft Factory No. 39, then, at the invitation of the aircraft designer D.P. Grigorovich returned to MAI, where he worked at the Department 101 (Aircraft Engineering) and as a chief designer of the MAI Design Bureau, created projects for the ultra-long-range aircraft “Steel-MAI” (modernization of the light-engine U-2) and a short-range bomber. In 1940, he was transferred to the position of the chief designer of aircraft factory No. 135 in Kharkov, where he worked on ensuring the serial production of the Su-2 bomber and the development of the DIS-135 fighter (Gr-1). After the outbreak of the war, he was appointed as an assistant of aircraft designer S.A. Lavochkin in organizing the serial production of new La-5 and La-7 fighters. After the war, he worked in the Ministry of Aviation Industry and the special committee on jet technology. Since the autumn of 1948 he was the Dean of the MAI and Vice-rector for Scientific Work. Since June 1951, he was appointed as a First deputy of S.A. Lavochkin again, to finalize and test the B-300 missile of the Berkut anti-aircraft complex (S-25) of the air defence system. In 1953, he was appointed as the Head of OKB-2 (since 1967 – Engineering Design Bureau “Torch”) for the development of the latest models of rocket technology and anti-aircraft guided missiles. Until the 1980s under his leadership, anti-aircraft missile systems S-75, S-200, S-300, anti-missile defence and air-to-air missiles were created. He was awarded 7 Orders of Lenin, Orders of the October Revolution, the Red Banner of Labor, and medals.
Address: Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 4, bldg. 7