Memorial plaque in honor of the scientists who created the first Soviet liquid-propellant “GIRD” rockets

During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the GIRD jet propulsion research group was located here. Jet Propulsion Research Groups (GIRD) at Osoaviakhim appeared in the autumn of 1931 in Moscow, Leningrad and other cities of the country. The initiator of the creation of the GIRD, its founder and chairman was one of the pioneers of cosmonautics, scientist and inventor F.A. Zander. MosGIRD consisted of four design teams and production workshops for the manufacture of rockets and engines. The first team was led by F.A. Zander (the OR-1 and OR-2 jet engines, the GIRD-X liquid-fueled rocket were developed), the second one was led by M.K. Tikhonravov (RDA-1 engine for RP-2 rocket plane, liquid fuel rockets 05 and 07, hybrid fuel rocket 09), the third team was led by Yu.A. Pobedonostsev (projectile with ramjet engine), the fourth one was led by S.P. Korolev (RP-2 rocket plane with 03 engine and unmanned cruise missile vehicles 06). The head and chairman of the technical council of MosGIRD was S.P. Korolev. In MosGIRD, experimental rocket engines were created, the first domestic liquid-propellant missiles GIRD-09 of the design of M.K. Tikhonravov and GIRD-X of the design of F.A. Tsander, who first took to the air from the Nakhabino test site near Moscow on August 17 and November 25, 1933. In October 1933, the world’s first Jet Research Institute was established on the basis of MosGIRD and the Leningrad Gas Dynamics Laboratory.
Address: Moscow, Sadovaya-Spasskaya str., 19, bldg. 1