Memorial plaque in memory of the location of the central women’s sniper school

In this building, in 1942-1943, there was a central women’s sniper school which trained over 2,000 female snipers who heroically fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. It was a unique, only female sniper school in the USSR and all over the world. The history of the institution began in 1929, when a school for training sniper instructors appeared in Kuskovo. Shooting sport in the Soviet Union began to gain momentum in the 1930s, and during the war thousands of volunteers took up rifles. On November 27, 1942, by order of the NCO of the USSR, the school of sniper instructors was reorganized into the Central School of Sniper Training Instructors (CSHISP) at the GUVVO of the NCO of the USSR. Under it, women’s courses of excellent marksmen of sniper training with a 3-month training period were formed. On December 7, the Komsomol Central Committee adopted a resolution on conscription for the Komsomol sniper courses. In 1942, women’s courses appeared on the territory of the park, which were later renamed Central Women’s Sniper Training School. The duration of training at first was six months, and then it was increased to eight months. During this time, the girls were taught to assemble and disassemble a rifle, provide first aid, act in a gas mask, throw grenades and incendiary mixtures, shoot from different types of weapons. During the war, the school produced more than two thousand female snipers. The average age of the students did not exceed 17-18 years. In memory of their feat in 1975, a memorial plaque made of white marble was installed on the building in which the women’s sniper school was located during the Great Patriotic War, with the inscription carved on it: “Here in 1942-1943 was the central women’s sniper school, which trained over 2,000 female snipers who heroically fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War”.
Address: Moscow, Yunosti str., 2, building 7