Vasily Vasilyevich

Vasily Vasilyevich Glagolev was a Soviet military commander, Colonel-General (1944), Hero of the Soviet Union (1943). He was a Commander of the Airborne Forces (1946-1947). He was born in the family of a doctor. He graduated from elementary school and a real school in Kaluga. He was called up for military service in 1916. He was a participant of the First World War, fought on the Western Front, senior scout brigade, non-commissioned officer. After demobilization, he worked as a laborer at the Chabruisk artillery depot in Kaluga and as a rifleman of the railway guard. In August 1918, he was drafted into the Red Army. He was a Civil War participant: Red Army soldier, squadron sergeant in the 1st Reserve and 68th Cavalry regiments of the 12th Cavalry Division. He participated in battles in the Urals and the North Caucasus. Since February 1921 he was a cadet of the 3rd Baku command courses, as a cadet participated in the establishment of Soviet power in Georgia. In 1921-1924 he was a platoon commander, head of intelligence of the 68th Cavalry Regiment, squadron commander of the 68th and 66th Cavalry regiments. Since December 1924 he was a commander of a separate squadron of the 2nd Separate Cavalry Brigade of the Separate Red Banner Caucasian Army. After graduating from the cavalry advanced training courses in Novocherkassk in 1931, he was left to teach. Since January 1934 he was a Commander and Commissar of the 76th Cavalry Regiment of the 12th Cavalry Division of the North Caucasus Military District, and since July 1937 he was a Chief of Staff of this division. From August 1939, he commanded first the 157th Infantry, then the 42nd separate Cavalry divisions. In 1941 he graduated from the Higher Academic Courses at the Military Academy. M.V. Frunze. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Colonel V.V. Glagolev continued to command the 42nd Cavalry Division, which as part of the Crimean Front took part in the battles for the Crimea. Since February 1942 he was a Commander of the 73rd Rifle Division of the 24th Army of the Southern Front, participated in the Voronezh-Voroshilovgrad defensive operation. From October to November 1942, he commanded the 176th Infantry Division, which distinguished itself in the battles near the cities of Mozdok and Ordzhonikidze. Since November 1942 – Commander of the 10th Guards Rifle Corps in the 9th and 56th armies of the North Caucasus Front, participated in the offensive stage of the Battle for the Caucasus. In January 1943, he was awarded the rank of Major General. From February 1943 he served as Commander of the 9th Army, and from March 1943 – Commander of the 46th Army on the North Caucasus, Southwestern, Steppe, 3rd Ukrainian fronts. In October 1943, he was awarded the rank of Lieutenant General. The army under his command participated in the Donbass offensive operation, distinguished itself in the Battle of the Dnieper. Lieutenant General V.V. Glagolev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his skillful leadership of the troops, successful crossing of the Dnieper River and solid consolidation on its western bank, personal courage and heroism. Since May 1944, Glagolev has been the commander of the 31st Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front, which participated in the Belarusian strategic and Gumbinnen–Goldap offensive operations. In July 1944, he was promoted to Colonel-General. In January 1945, he was appointed commander of the 9th Guards Army, formed on the basis of the 7th Army and Guards formations of Airborne troops. As part of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, he participated in the Vienna and Prague offensive operations. After the war, Colonel-General V.V. Glagolev continued to command this army, and in April 1946 he was appointed commander of the Airborne Troops of the Red Army. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd convocation.
Address: Moscow, Marshal Tukhachevsky str., 48 (Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district)