Militia of the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation joined the ranks in this building

This is a memorial plaque in memory of the feat of the militia of the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation is installed on the building of the former NKID of the USSR at 21/5 Kuznetsky Most Street. The main inscription on the bas-relief reads: “In memory of the employees of the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, who joined the People’s militia here on July 5, 1941, to block the enemy’s path to Moscow.” 120 thousand people of the Moscow militia in 1941 went to defend Moscow, and largely thanks to their exploits they managed to stop the enemy on the outskirts of the capital. Thanks to the heroic actions of the people’s militia, it was possible to stop the offensive of Nazi Germany and reverse the course of events in the Great Patriotic War. Two hours after V.M. Molotov’s speech on the radio with a message about the treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union, 40 applications from volunteers were submitted to the Rostokinsky district military enlistment office. During June 22, the Kiev RC of the CPSU (6) received more than 2 thousand applications from the Communists. On the same day, 5 thousand boys and girls of the Timiryazevsky district submitted applications for sending them to the front. Already on the fifth day, a regiment of volunteers from the Leninsky district was formed. They studied military affairs on the job, then took part in combat operations on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. On the same days, fighter battalions were created on a voluntary basis in all districts of Moscow, which 12,500 people joined. Muscovites throughout the period of the Great Patriotic War maintained constant communication with the militia. City and district organizations, labor collectives patronized divisions and their divisions, the attachment of enterprises and institutions to individual units and formations was practiced. The assistance of the workers of the capital was diverse. Delegations went to the division, individual gifts and letters were sent to soldiers and commanders for holidays and other significant dates. Unfortunately, a significant part of the militia did not return from the battlefield. Due to heavy losses, five divisions were disbanded. But many fighters and commanders of the people’s militia, having defended the capital on its distant and near approaches, passed a glorious military path, making a worthy contribution to the victorious end of the Great Patriotic War.
Address: Moscow, Kuznetsky Most str., 21/5