Monument to soldiers who defended peace and freedom in the fight against fascism

The bronze figures are mounted on a square granite pedestal and a bronze plinth in the form of a hemisphere. The soldier standing in the centre freely spreads his arms to the sides, as if protecting and directing forward the three children walking in front of him. There is dedicatory inscription on the pedestal: “To the soldiers who defended peace and freedom in the fight against fascism.” On the borders of the monument site on both sides there are two steles with the dates of the Second World War: 1941 and 1945. The pedestal of the monument is surrounded by a large square flower bed. The monument was erected on the initiative of the Prefecture of the Central Administrative District of Moscow. It was dedicated to the residents of the CAO, participants of the Great Patriotic War. The monument is a sign of gratitude to the ancestors who heroically defended their motherland, to all those who fought in fierce battles on the fronts, those who forged a Great Victory both on the war fronts and in the rear, on the labor front. The composition of the monument consists of bronze figures of a soldier and three children. They were installed on a square granite pedestal. The pedestal, in turn, was placed on a bronze plinth in the form of a hemisphere. In the centre of the composition there is a Soviet soldier in a military field uniform. He spreads his arms freely to the sides. The view gives the feeling as if he is protecting and guiding three children forward in front of him. The figures of two girls and a boy next to a soldier give the monument a special meaning. The authors carved a thank-you inscription on the pedestal. It was addressed to the soldiers who defended peace and freedom in the fight against fascism. On both sides of the monument, two cubic-shaped steles were installed on the borders of the site. The dates of the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War were stamped on them. 1941 is on one side, 1945 is on another side. A flower bed was laid out around the monument. Well–groomed flowers emphasize a special attitude to the memory of ancestors – warriors, defenders of the Fatherland. The monument organically fits into the surrounding space of the square and at the same time creates a special atmosphere of celebration, tranquility and comfort.
Address: Moscow, Catherine Square