The Building of the Institute, Which Students and Professors Joined the Ranks of the People’s Militia of Moscow

The Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History was established in 1931 as a result of the allocation of the humanities faculties of Moscow State University to a separate educational institution. In July 1931, the Institute of History and Philosophy (MEPhI) was established on the basis of the Faculty of History and Philosophy of Moscow State University, in 1933 the departments of the Faculty of Literature and Art, which were also withdrawn from the Moscow State University, were attached to it, and from that moment the institute received its well-known name – the IFLI. At first, the Institute consisted of the following departments: philosophical, historical, anti-religious, history of technology, local history, history and methodology of art. In connection with the reorganization of Communist University named after Y.M. Sverdlov and the withdrawal of the Department of Social Sciences from its composition, the university was annexed to the IFLI in 1934, and its structure was transformed again: five faculties appeared as part of the institute – historical, philosophical, literature, language and art. In 1939, the Faculty of Economics was also opened. The first enrollment of students was carried out in 1934. In 1938, the institute was named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. The IFLI existed for 10 years, and in 1941, while both educational institutions were being evacuated in Tashkent, it was merged again from MSU. In 1943, the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies was located in the building in Rostokinskiy Passage, where the IFLI was previously located. During the Great Patriotic War, many students and teachers of the Institute enlisted in the ranks of the People’s militia and gave their lives to save our Motherland. In memory of their feat, a memorial plaque is located on the facade of the institute building.
Address: Moscow, Rostokinsky ave., 13A, p. 1