• Sergey Leonidovich Sokolov

    Sergey Leonidovich Sokolov was the First Deputy Minister of Defence of the USSR, the Head of the Operational Group of the Ministry of Defence of the USSR in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, the Marshal of the Soviet Union.

  • Dmitry Vasilyevich Shurpenko

    Dmitry Vasilyevich Shurpenko was the platoon commander of the 151st Rifle Regiment of the 8th Rifle Division of the 13th Army of the Central Front, a petty officer.

  • Scientists M.S. Molodensky, E.V. Karus worked in this building

    Mikhail Sergeevich Molodensky was an outstanding geodesist and geophysicist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He was born on June 16, 1909 in Tula (according to other sources – in Epiphany), graduated from Moscow State University in 1932, after which he worked at TsNIIGAiK. Evgeny Villiamovich Karus was a Soviet geophysicist, Doctor of…

  • Alexander Ivanovich Gorgolyuk

    Alexander Ivanovich Gorgolyuk was the flight commander of the 30th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (1st Guards Fighter Aviation Division, 16th Air Army, Central Front), a senior lieutenant of the Guards.

  • Heroes of the Soviet Union V.A. Belyaev, V.P. Lebedev, A.I. Afanasyev, M.А. Balyasin studied and worked at this school

    Many schools remembered the heroic graduates in previous epoch and some of them bear their names nowadays.

  • Scientists S.L. Solovyov, N.N. Pariysky, Y.D. Boulanger worked in this building

    Sergey Leonidovich Solovyov headed the Seismology Department of the Sakhalin Integrated Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1961. Nikolay Nikolaevich Pariysky was a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Russian Academy of Sciences). Yuri Dmitrievich Boulanger was a Soviet geophysicist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

  • Vladimir Alexandrovich Magnitsky

    Vladimir Alexandrovich Magnitsky was a Soviet geophysicist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

  • Heroes of Socialist Labor, academicians A.N. Tikhonov, M.A. Sadovsky worked in this building

    Andrey Nikolaevich Tikhonov was a Soviet and Russian scientist, specialist in computational mathematics and mathematical physics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor; the Head of Computational Laboratory No. 8 of the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Mikhail Alexandrovich Sadovsky was a physicist, an expert…

  • Scientists A.M. Obukhov, V.V. Belousov worked in this building

    Alexander Mikhailovich Obukhov one of the founders of modern theories in the field of mathematical statistics, turbulence and global climate change. Vladimir Vladimirovich Belousov developed and justified a new method of historical and tectonic research – the method of capacity analysis.

  • Scientists E.F. Savarensky, E.K. Fedorov, Yu.V. Riznichenko worked in this building

    Evgeny Fedorovich Savarensky was born on July 18, 1911 in Tula. Evgeny Konstantinovich Fyodorov was born on April 10, 1910 in the county town of Bendery, the Bessarabian province (now a part of the self-proclaimed the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic). Yuri Vladimirovich Riznichenko was born on September 28, 1911.