Natalia Alexandrovna

Natalia Alexandrovna Kachuyevskaya (Spirina) was a medical instructor of the 105th Guards Rifle Regiment (34th Guards Rifle Division, 28th Army, Stalingrad Front). She was born in 1922 in Moscow. She studied at secondary school № 85 named after Friedrich Engels. She graduated from the ten-year school with honors and entered the acting faculty of GITIS. Beautiful and talented, she could have become an actress, like her mother Alexandra Leonidovna or aunt Augusta Miklashevskaya. Natasha was a second-year student when the war began. She headed one of the concert brigades that constantly traveled to the front in 1941. During one of these trips, Natasha met the commander of the partisan detachment Pavel Kachuyevsky, who was in the hospital for treatment. Soon they got married. In April 1942, Pavel, along with his detachment, was sent to the enemy rear with another task. In 1942, after graduating from the courses of medical instructors, she voluntarily went to the front, became a medical instructor of the 105th Guards Rifle Regiment. On November 20, 1942, during the counteroffensive of the 28th Army south of the village of Hulkhuta in the Yashkul district of the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Republic of Kalmykia), Natalia Kachuyevskaya immortalized her name forever. During an unequal battle with Hitler’s machine gunners who broke into the rear of our troops, she saved the lives of twenty wounded soldiers. When the enemies began to surround the ravine where the wounded were, Natasha rushed to meet them and destroyed the approaching fascists with a grenade explosion. She died in this fight. Natalia Kachuyevskaya was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 1997 for her courage and heroism in the fight against the Nazi invaders. In the courtyard of school No. 1239, to the right of the main entrance, there is a monument to Natasha Kachuyevskaya. She did not study at school No. 1239, but lived in the lane closest to the school, which until 1993 bore her name (now the historical name Skaryatinsky has been returned to the lane). In 1993, Natalia Alexandrovna Kachuyevskaya was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for her courage and heroism in the fight against the Nazi invaders. The monument in the form of a life-size bust made of white stone was created by sculptor S. L. Ostrovskaya in 1965 and became one of the symbols of the school.
Address: Moscow, Vspolny lane, 6 (on the territory of GBOU TSO No. 1239)