Nikolay Alekseevich

Nikolay Alekseevich Pilyugin was a scientist and designer in the field of autonomous control systems for rocket, rocket and space complexes and automatic interplanetary stations, a member of the Council of Chief Designers for coordinating work on the creation of rocket and space technology, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR. In 1935 he graduated from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. In 1935-1943 he worked at TsAGI, in 1944 – in the department of management of Research Institute-1 on rocket technology, in 1945-1946 – at the Rabe Institute (Germany) for the study of the German V-2 ballistic missile. In 1946-1963 he was Chief designer for autonomous control systems of the Research Institute-885 of the Ministry of Radio Engineering Industry of the USSR, in 1963-1982 he was Director and Chief designer of the Research Institute-944 (now the Scientific and Production Center of Automation and Instrumentation named after. academician A.N. Pilyugin). He led the development of autonomous control systems for the first Russian long-range combat missiles, the «Proton» launch vehicle, the «Luna», «Venus», «Mars» and «Zond» AMS series, and the Buran reusable transport spacecraft (1988). He was a member of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1967-1982); Head of the Department of the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (1969-1981). He was awarded five Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution and other awards. A research vessel and a Research and Production Center for Automation and Instrumentation are named after him.
Address: Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya str., 5, p. 1