Vladimir Pavlovich

Vladimir Pavlovich Barmin was one of the founders of practical rocket engineering, an outstanding scientist in the field of mechanics, mechanical engineering and rocket and space technology, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. In 1930 he graduated from the Moscow Mechanical Engineering Institute (now it is Bauman Moscow State Technical University). In 1930-1945 he worked at the Compressor plant (in 1940-1945 as chief designer) for the production of rockets and launchers BM-8, BM-13 («Katyusha»). Under his leadership, 78 rocket artillery launchers were developed, 36 of them were put into service. In 1946-1989 he was Chief designer of the Design Bureau of General Mechanical Engineering (now it is GSKB «Spetsmash» named after V.P. Barmin). He created more than 20 mobile, mine and stationary launch rocket systems for ballistic missiles R-1, R-2, R-5, R-5M, R-11, MBR R-7, R-7A and launch vehicles «Sputnik», «Vostok», «Lightning», «Soyuz», «Proton» at the Kapustin Yar, Baikonur and Plesetsk cosmodromes. He was one of the members of the Council of Chief Designers. Vladimir Barmin coordinated the construction of rocket launch complexes, starting with high-altitude geophysical rockets and ending with the launch rocket and space complex of the «Energia – Buran» program. Under the leadership of V.P. Barmin, a long-term lunar base and various scientific research equipment for it were designed, soil-collecting devices for studying the soils of the Moon and Venus were created, a complex for the development of technological equipment for the production of inorganic materials and biologically active substances on board manned stations and unmanned spacecraft was formed.
Address: Moscow, Baumanskaya 2nd str., 5, p. 1