• Monument «Gleb Zheglov and Vladimir Sharapov»

    In Moscow, at the entrance to the police headquarters building in 38, Petrovka Street, there is a monument dedicated to the characters from the Soviet film “The Meeting place Cannot Be Changed,”

  • Monument «Koroviev and Behemoth»

    There is a monument dedicated to the characters from Bulgakov`s novel “The Master and Margarita” at the entrance to the Mikhail Bulgakov Museum.

  • Monument «Uncle Styopa»

    Uncle Styopa is a beloved character in children’s literature, created by Sergei Mikhalkov in 1935.

  • G.O.R.A. Museum

    In the heart of Moscow, located in Victory Park, near the main Victory Museum building, there is a unique museum called “Main Weapons Relics of the Army”, or G.O.R.A., for short.

  • G.O.R.A. Museum

    In the heart of Moscow, located in Victory Park, near the main Victory Museum building, there is a unique museum called “Main Weapons Relics of the Army”, or G.O.R.A., for short.

  • Memorial Plate «The Spirit of Elba»

    In 1995, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II, two memorial plaques dedicated to the historic event of the meeting of Soviet and American troops on the Elbe River were solemnly unveiled in Victory Park, on Poklonnaya Gora, in Moscow.

  • The Flame of Memory and Glory in Poklonnaya Gora

    In late April 2010, a solemn ceremony took place in Moscow, in Pobediteley Square. Located between the Victory Museum building and the majestic Victory Monument on Poklonnaya Gora, a new Eternal Flame was lit.

  • Monument to the Frontline dog

    On June 21st, 2013, in Moscow, at Poklonnaya Gora, a monument was dedicated to the front-line dogs – faithful companions of soldiers who contributed greatly to the common victory during the Great Patriotic War.

  • Memorial stones 1941-1945

    The five memorial stones located in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora represent the five long and exhausting years of the Great Patriotic War, which was the hardest test for millions of people.

  • T-34 Tank

    The T-34 tank was one of the most significant pieces of military equipment from the 20th century and a major development during the Second World War.